Welcome to IKT
IKT is an institute which specializes in the research and development of innovative solutions in the fields of information and communication technologies, services and applications.Currently main technology topics are Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, IoT Radio Networks, TSN, SDN, M2M Protocols like MQTT and OPC UA as well as M2M applications for 5G cellular networks. Our application focus for these technologies include e.g. Smart Maintenance, I40-as-a-Service, Network Automation and High Avaliablity solutions.
Before, we had our main focus on Voice-over-IP (VoIP) and Next Generation Networks (NGN), in particular on specialized applications of these technologies for railway related communications as well as critical communications.
Contact us if you are currently searching for a partner to collaborate with in designing and prototyping solutions within your application field.

2kai designs and operates complete integrated IoT solutions for its Enterprise and SME customers. Our No-Vendor-Lockin approach enables us to combine the IoT-components fitting best the needs of our customers applications, ranging from Smart Maintenance to increased Overal Equipment Efficiency (OEE)

We develop and operate VoIP / UC solutions for corporate customers. Our no vendor-lockin strategy gives our clients the required flexibility and multi-vendor capability.